Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Finished Chewie from a few weeks back, and thought I would share.  How does it work? Thanks!


Keyla Valerio said...

ahah chewy, that bad ass!
i dig it :]

Jordie Bellaire said...



Unknown said...

turned out great man..I would have cropped it just a bit towards the bottom...I know you were probably trying to give it a more fade off -unfinished look...but the head is so heavily rendered, there is nothing to balance it out. also..the little bubble within the speech bubble is driving me nuts. when are you going to post that amazing ink drawing from the academy bro?!

Will said...

Thanks Tin! Totally makes sense, all of it. I appreciate it grratly! I'll post the ink once I finish it a tiny bit more...

Orlando Sanchez said...

I love this piece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!