Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Crossroads Guitar Festival Project: DONE!

Here is the final painting for the Crossroads Guitar Festival project. I posted a ton of progess shots, details, early steps with digital color and anything you can imagine. Basically without completely smothering this blog with my stuff click here to get to my blog. There is literally a ton of stuff there.

Thanks for looking and I'd love to hear your thoughts!


LOOKA said...

Holy holiness brother! That's FRAKKTASTIC - to stay in our verbing :) gotta get over to your Blog now!

Rich Pellegrino said...

hella thanks ya'll. FRAKKTASTIC = hahaha. dude i love your catch phrases. fer suuuurious!

LOOKA said...

HAAHAHa, I'm glad so! I just take them as they fly around my head and apply them wne appropriate. :)