More crap from the crapshack central... in a quickshot manner.
DC: MANBAT = So awesome! MARVEL: MORBIUS the living Vampire! GIL KANE HAS GOT THE GROOVE! Morbius looks kinda tired or hung over on something. If you think about it, the Comic Vampire/Bat-thing is a pretty great and hilarious (illustrative) concept.
Man oh man, that Man-Bat is awesome. I keep staring at it.
agreed. these blacks are nicely spotted. lets see some full body stuff brother!
Dude, I love it! That top guy is amaaaaazing! (and the bottom guys look like they've just had their souls sucked out, haha) Awesome!
Hey hey hey! THANKS alla ya buddies!
Sam: If you keep looking, I keep making. Gollum process looks soooo ace. Can't wait!
Lamar: The laboratory is slowly filling up with those full bodies! MUH-WHAHAHAH! :D Results on display next week.
Kali: Thanks again! Haha, I guess I was still asleep when I did those two.
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